Visit, host and enjoy events in the LAB miami

Meet to Marry

3 Secret Love Essentials is a dynamic one-hour seminar designed to help you immediately start transforming your experience of dating.

You’ll learn:

The event is practical, inspiring, and exciting. Even singles who feel like they’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked will be pleasantly surprised to find themselves on a new and clearer path to love. The seminar is a great opportunity to get a taste of the Meet to Marry Method™ and see how it can really accelerate your process of “Being the One to Find the One.” — finding your true love and best friend. . .now.


What can I bring into the event?

Just bring yourself. We’ll provide a workbook and a pen you can use if you’d like to take notes. We also provide some great refreshments.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Any questions, feel free to email or call 1-800-281-1931

  OCT 19, 2017 @ 6:30PM – OCT 19, 2017 @ 8:30PM
  The LAB Miami