How does a company help build a powerful, internet of things enabling, Arduino board? What hot projects are being constructed using these boards that blur the hardware to software boundaries for developers, and where is the future of the Internet of Things headed?
Join us for our inaugural Commerce Factory meetup at the Lab in Miami, where Vaughn Shinall of Temboo (https://temboo.com/) will talk about these topics, and how they partnered with Arduino board creators to construct the first member of the series of boards to combine Arduino with Linux to enable an easy and powerful internet of things bridge.
Be part of the Commerce Factory launch with local Maker communities representing, lots of giveaways and raffles, and plenty of good food and drinks as you learn about the revolution in small scale hardware hacking!
About Vaughn Shinall
Vaughn Shinall connects makers, developers, APIs, devices, and more as Head of Product Outreach for Temboo. Previously he worked as an agent for the Wylie Agency, where he helped establish a digital publishing business. He has an MBA from NYU Stern and an AB from Harvard College.
Tweet using hashtag: #pcfmiami
6:00 PM: Doors Open – Food & Drink Served
6:46 PM: Opening Remarks and Announcements
7:00 PM: Spotlight – Temboo (Vaughn Shinall)
8:00 PM: Closing remarks and lights out
Giveaways and Free Stuff!We will be giving away a number of free giveaways on site:
• Arduino Yún: We will have 2 Yún Arduino boards that we will raffle off for attendees to take home and begin developing their own internet of things projects using Temboo.
• T-Shirts: We’ll be giving away custom Commerce Factory T-Shirts for every attendee.
• 8-Bit Sunglasses and SWAG: Cool SWAG will be available for everyone coming by.
• Stickers: Commerce Factory stickers will also be available!
Announcing Battle Hack Miami 2014!
At the beginning of the meetup, we will be announcing the dates and details for Battle Hack Miami 2014 (https://winner.battlehack.org/), where the winner of the Miami event will be flown out to PayPal to compete in the worldwide $100,000 USD finals.
Food and Drinks
Food will be catered by Jimmy’z Kitchen (http://www.jimmyzkitchen.com/). Vegetarian options available as well.
We will have an assortment of beer (for those 21+) and non-alcoholic drinks available.
Partners on-site
Makeshop Miami (http://makeshopmiami.com/)
Makeshop is a Maker Space that offers part shared office, part small scale production, part trade-school, part your favorite cafe. They will have be on-site to talk about their maker space that is launching at 8361 NE 2nd Ave in Little River.

- This event has passed.