
The ultimate Monday motivation: Action Club

Ivan Dynamo De Jesus, creator of Action Club, begins the meeting on Monday, May 16.

A small and diverse group of people meets every Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at The LAB Miami’s Idea Garden, each with a list of 150 life goals. An energetic wave of high fives begins to circle around the group when they share their latest accomplishment or triumph. This is Action Club.

“It’s a goal setting group, we talk about goals, but it is actually a vehicle for self-discovery,” said Ivan Dynamo De Jesus, founder of Action Club.

It all began on meetup.com four years ago, when De Jesus felt he was living a life that he compares to a hamster on a wheel.

He learned about a thing called Failure Club, where members set seemingly unattainable goals in order to defy the fear of failure and its social stigmas, and was inspired to start something similar- an open forum where people could share their journey and fears.

“People think learning happens when you succeed, but it actually happens when you fail,” said De Jesus.

The group does not discriminate on goal setting, “…it can be anything,” said De Jesus.

There are three types of goals: the Dream Goal, the Action Club Goal, and the Monthly Goal. They range from small accomplishments like learning to juggle or skateboard to far-fetched ambitions such as landing a role on the hit HBO series, Game of Thrones. There is only one requirement; the goals must be S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Result-driven, Time-constant).

The club’s backbone is based on the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. The goals are centered on living a focused, strategic and most importantly active lifestyle dictated by choice.

According to Covey’s book, life doesn’t just happen but it is designed by our own choices-giving us the opportunity to continuously generate more positive results.

De Jesus’ goal for Action Club is to make it a global phenomenon. He would like to create a platform or web series where people from all over the world can connect in an Action Club setting.

“I want to build a community of people who want to do things in this lifetime that are meaningful and share those experiences with others,”- De Jesus

Action Club member, Maria Rudnicka, center, celebrates her week’s accomplishment, mastering the art of longboarding, with a roundtable of high fives.

By: Leslie Ovalle | May 23, 2016