ManTalks Miami: Winning the Inner Battle - TheLab Miami


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ManTalks Miami: Winning the Inner Battle

May 22, 2017 @ 6:30 pm9:30 pm

We have a serious conversation to have… said us men!
The ManTalks Miami non-profit organization is having our next gathering on May 22 at The Lab in Wynwood. Come after work for some of the best networking and deeper conversations you’ll ever have on the topic of what it means to be a modern man in today’s society.
This next event is a very special one as we talk about the biggest question men have regarding the expression of their masculinity and other core values: Winning the Inner Battle.
You know the battle… the one where men have been taught emotional suppression in absence of emotional resilience. Nearly 90% of men over 19 years old can’t identify a best friend. ManTalks inspires bold conversation inspired by 3 speakers with an incredible story; in order to extract strategies and life lessons on how to be a man in today’s society through full expression of one’s authentic and, in most cases, vulnerable self.
Join us. All men and women that aren’t afraid of extremely bold and real conversations about masculinity and vulnerability are welcome to be a part of it and in fact, it is highly encouraged. Sometimes “Winning the Inner Battle” is recognizing the voice of suppression inside of our heads and just finally say YES to taking life to the next level.
You owe it to yourself as well as the future men of the world and say YES. We hope to see you there.


The LAB Miami
400 NW 26th. St.
Miami, FL 33127 United States
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