The first WhatsappMarketing workshop to learn about whatsapp marketing Strategies and Cases Studies. You’ve probably heard of Facebook Advertising, Twitter Ads, Google Adwords, and Whatsapp but are you using it to your advantage?
Expert Mobile strategist, Gonzalo Gómez Rufino of WhatsappMarketing, will be leading this workshop to help you learn and create your whatsapp marketing campaigns. How to use to attract more customers as contests, handle databases, generate buzz whatsapp, and create your whatsapp marketing loyalty campaigns with plataform.
Find out about the best practices & Cases Studies for Whatsapp Marketing. Walk away knowing more about how to strategically use WhatsappMarketing and boost your bottom line.
Topics that will be covered at this workshop:
Cost: 11$ (Catering Included)
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
6:00pm – 8:00pm
LAB Miami – WynWood
About the presenter: Gonzalo Gómez Rufino is the Mobile Marketing Strategist at WhatsappMarketing. Gonzalo has trained and educated companies from Europe. He will help any business owner learn and execute mobile strategies that’ll help boost business in 2016.
The workshop will be in English & Spanish
MAR 09, 2016 @ 6:00 PM – MAR 09, 2016 @ 8:00 PM
The LAB Miami 400 NW 26th Street. Wynwood. Miami, FL 33127